Letter Writing about scene of a Flood -Affected village to you friend

Q. You recently visited a flood -affected village in Murshidabad. A scene of disaster met your eyes there.
Now write a letter to your friend describing the scene in about 120 words. 

Address :
(Sender's Address )

My dear Suraj,

My job of a reporter brought me to the village of Murshidabad district which is reeling under unprecedented flood this monsoon. Acres and acres of standing crops have been damaged.  The marooned people are forced to live in an inhuman conditions. The relief operations carried out by the government and the various NGOs is providing to be inadequate because of the magnitude devastation.  This experience has taught me that man is helpless when facing  nature's fury.
Sorry,for writing a rather gloomy letter.  But this was the only way of unburdening  myself as the painful memories keep coming back.
With tons of love.
Your Krishna

Address :
(Receiver's Address ) 
