Formal letter format as well as letter writing is very essential part of modern time. In modern times every educated person  should know how to write a clear and readable letter.
Formal letter format for any type of letter

Everyone sometimes feels the necessity of writing Official letters or Business letters of some sort, and may have to face the problem of writing an important Personal letter that would vitally mould his interests in life.

Hence letter writing is a necessity and it is also an art. Letters are means to convey our thoughts and feelings.

But whenever we sit down to write a letter, we realize that writing a good letter is not an easy job and needs careful practice.

So now we are going to discuss with you all about letter writing.

Not only that you are provided by us with many types of formal letter format.Here we will try to cover all type of letter writing format as well as letter writing samples which letter writing are mostly needed in our practical life for official purpose.

What Is A Letter :

A letter is a written, typed or printed communication, send by post on messenger. Letter are of two types - Formal letters and informal letters. A formal letter is meant for an official while informal letters are send to friends and relatives.

Types Of Letter / Letter Writing

Letters may be divided into the following classes :
  1. Private letter and telegrams
  2. Social letters
  3. Business letters
  4. Official & Demi-Official letters
  5. Letters in response to advertisements
  6. Letter to the editor of a newspaper.
  7. Circular letter  or Notice or Draft.

But there are mainly two kinds of letters: 
1. Formal letters
  • Highlight an important issue for public awareness
  • Make a complaint
  • Make an enquiry
  • Place/cancel an order
  • Make a proposal
  • Draw attention to some public concern

2.Informal letters
  • Convey some news or message
  • Advise or suggest something
  • Invite someone
  • Congratulate someone on some achievement
  • Share our thought /feelings on issue, etc. 

Private letter, Social letters, Business letters and Official & Demi-Official letters may be broadly divided into two groups -

  1. Letter of information and proposal
  2. Reply letter

Parts Of A Letter

Each of the Private letters,Business letters, Official letters etc. has its own particular form. But all kinds of letters there are six parts that must be attended  to :

  • The heading consisting of the writer's address and the date 
  • The courteous greeting or salutation
  • The communication or message—the body of the letter 
  • The subscription or courteous leave-taking
  • The signature 
  • The superscription or outside address

Now see a model of a Private letter with all the six parts discussed above :


[ A Private Letter About Progress in Studies ]

[1. Heading]
18 ark Street
Kolkata 700 016
March 7, 2019

[2. Salutation] dear Father,

[3. Body of the letter]
I got your letter in time. You know our examination is knocking at the door. I think, you are very anxious to know about my progress in studies. Please don't worry about it. You will be glad to know that I have made satisfactory progress in all the subjects. Yet I shall devote more time in reading English as English is a foreign language. But still, I hope, I may fare well in the examination. I am pretty well now. Nothing more for the present.

[4. Subscription]
Yours affectionately,

[5. Signature] Anupam

Stamp Dr. P. C. Das
P.O. Nangulpara
Dt. Hooghly
[6. Superscription]

Note For Letter Writing :
  • The first letter of Father, Mother, Uncle, Aunt, etc. are capitalised in salutation.
  • No full stop or punctuation mark is used after signature.
  • Nowadays, no punctuation mark is used even after Salutation and Sub-scription or Courteous Leave Taking in American style. 

Formal letter format

Formal Letter Format

Address - 14 june 2020
To The Editor
Address -Regarding Ban the Loud Speaker Respected sir,

I would like to draw your attention.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I shall be thankful to you.

Your sincerely
Your Name

Informal Letter Format

Informal Letter Writing Format

Address - 14 june 2020
Dear Father,

I am fine here and hope You also be fine there._____________________________________
_________Convey my regards to all family members.

Your loving son
Your Name

Now we will supply to you a lot of letter writing samples which are mostly useful for us.
Not only that you are provided many type of common letter writing format by us.
So lets start -

Informal Letter Format

Formal Letter Format For Student To The Headmaster /Principal

My many beloved students/readers have requested to provide some good formal letter format for official purpose.

Because most of us don't know where and how do we use formal letter format for solving individual problem. So, here you will be find any type of FORMAL LETTER FORMAT for a student.

If you want to more formal letter format for your personal use then email us at

1.Common Letter Writing Format For School Certificate

The headmaster/class teacher ( name of position),
Jaipur high school [name of your school ]
Jaipur, Hooghly [address of your school ]

Subject : Application For ______ [name of that you want]

Respected Sir/ madam,
With due respect , I want to bring to your kind notice that recently I have need a ______ [mention your requirement] for a special purpose.

So you are requested to give me a ______[your requirement] as soon as possible.

Thanking you
Your sincerely,
________[ your name ]

Your name :-
Your class : -
Roll No. :-

2.Common Letter Writing Format For School Leaving Certificate

What is an application for a leaving certificate of school?

The Headmaster,
Balagarh High School,
Balagarh Hooghly,
Pin -712123

 Subject :Request for issue of my school leaving certificate

Respected Sir,
With due respect I would Ike to state that I have completed my XII standard from your school With Second Division . Therefore. I request you to kindly issue my school leaving certilkate.
I Will really greatul to you.
Thanking You
Your sincerely,
Biswajit Bacher

Bolded word in above letter writing sample should be replaced according to your information. 

3.What is the letter writing to the principal for TC in Kannada?

The Headmaster,
Ektarpur Union High School,
Ektarpur, Balagarh, Hooghly
Pin 712123

Subject: An application for a transfer certificate.

Respected Sir,
With due respect, I beg to state that my father is a government employee. Recently he has been transferred from Bangalore to Mumbai. Our residence is going to be shifted there very soon. So, I regret to inform you that it Is not possible for me to continue my studies at your School.
I, therefore, pray that you would kindly issue me a transfer ceetificate and oblige thereby.
Your faithfully,
Biswajit Bacher
Class- 8       Section B
Roll. 4

4.How do I write an application to the principal, asking permission to re-exam?

The Headmaster,
Ektarpur Union High School,
Ektarpur, Balagarh, Hooghly
Pin -712123

Subject- Request for to give permission to re-exam.

Respected Sir ,

With due respect, it is stated that I was in leave on the days of terminal examination due to _______[reason ]. But I want to write the exams which I skipped.
So, I humbly request you to grant me right to appear in term examination, I have skipped.
Hope it help.

Your faithfully
Biswaji Bacher

5.Application for Half Day Leave
How do I write an application to the headmaster /Principal for half day leave?

The Headmaster,
Xyz school,

Subject: Application for Half Day Leave

Respected Sir/Madam,
With due respect, it is stated that I have headache and l am not feeling well and can not attend more periods today.
Therefore, kindly grant me leave for half day.
I shall be thankful to you.
Yours faithfully,
Roll No

6.Sub: Application for Late Fee Submission Due to Financial Problems 

The Headmaster,
Xyz school,

Subject - Late fee submission due to financial problem
Respected Sir,
With due respect and humble submission, I beg to say that I am a student of your school in class 9.

I have not paid my school fees for the month of November (Name). Today I have brought my fee to pay.
(show your actual financial problem and situation).
 This delay has been due to the illness of my father and some financial issues/problems in my home.

Therefore, I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to remit my late payment fine and oblige.
I will be very thankful to you.
Yours obediently,
Biswajit Bacher
Class : 9    Sec. A
Roll no.4

7.Sick Leave Application To The Principal - Formal Letter Format 

The Principal,
Xyz college,
Patiwalw,New Delhi- 700023

Subject- Application for sick leave

Respected Sir,
With due respect I beg to state that I'm not in a position to attend the school as I'm down with high fever and pox since it's communicate disease. I have been advised quarantine and a few days complete rest.
Therefore you are requested to kindly grant my leave of that's days.
Thanking you

Your obediently, 
Biswajit Bacher
Roll-4 sec- B
Class 12

Letter From Guardian To The Headmaster /Principal

Letter From Guardian To The Headmaster /Principal

Guardian Letter Writing
Sometimes teachers, headmaster or principal are asked for a guardian letter due to absence ,late fee submission, leave from examination etc.

But we all know that many guardians are not well educated . So they face problem and looking for a educated person or a formal letter format to prepare that guardian letter which is asked by headmaster or principal.

And because of this now we will supply a lot of formal letter format for your use.

If you want to get more formal letter format for your personal issues then email us at

How do I write an application form leave of absence for my daughter?

1.Application for leave of absence in school by a Guardian :

The Headmaster
Xyz school
Jaipur,West Bengal

Subject -Application for leave of absence in school
Respected Sir,
I beg to state you that my son/daughter Biswajit Bacher, a student of class IX Sec A  Roll no.- 4   of your School could not attend his/her classes from 17.02.2020  to 19.02.2020 due to illness.

So, I would request you kind favour to grant him / her leave of absence for those above mentioned days only.

Thanking you
Encl. : Doctor's certificate
Your faithfully
Parimal Bacher
Date :
Address  :

2. Letter Writing - Application for leave from examination.

The Headmaster,
Ektarpur, Balagarh, Hooghly
Pin -712123

Subject: Application for leave from examination.
My daughter, pamchar tadar ( roll no. 4 ) , is studying in class IV of your school, the other day I took her to a doctor as she complained of severe weakness and exhaustion, the doctor diagnosed her trouble to be jaundice and has advised complete bed rest for a fortnight.
Therefor, she will not be able to attend her first term examination, due to begin on 10th may, hence I would be glad if you could grant her leave from the forthcoming examination,
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
Biswajit Bacher, I.P.S.

Letter From Teacher To Headmaster /Principal

Letter From Teacher To Headmaster /Principal

In very few cases we find that a teacher is ordered by principal to provide letter due to their absence, latearrival, medical leave etc. So we provide short an very good formal letter format for a teacher. 

This type of letter writings are requested by some beloved teachers who are my subscriber.
In Mostly cases we can't able to find proper letter writing format for a teacher .

But we can easily find common letter writing format for a student as well as a Guardian letter.

In above we have already covered and discussed about Student's letters and Guardian's letter .

Now we are going to provide letter writing format & samples for a teacher 

So lets start -
Teacher To Headmaster Letter Writing Format/Samples

1.What is a 3-day leave application for illness as an assistant teacher to a head teacher?

Govt. higher secondary school Polocolony
Sub : application for leave

Since last evening, I have been suffering from high fever and severe body ache accompanied by vomiting. I have to meet a doctor at the earliest and get the necessary medical treatment.
Therefor I request you to grant me sick leave w.e.f. 21.1.20 to 29.1.20.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Pamchar tadar
Class teacher /subject teacher
Class  English



The principle,
HIT College

Sub : Application for medical leave

R/ sir Last evening, I paid a visit to Dr hari das, a cardiologist, due to pain in my chest, he has advised me bed rest for a week, along with few more medical check-ups.

I therefore, will not be able to attend duty in the collage for ten days, hence I would be , if you grant me medical leave w.e.f. 11.10.20 to 21.10.20.
I shall submit the medical certificate for the aforesaid days, when I rejoin my duty.

Yours sincerely ,
Biswajit Bacher

3.Letter Writing -Application for coming late at school

The principle,
HIT College

Subject  Arriving school late.

Dear Sir,
Please be informed that my residence is quite far away from our school i.e. in Babbsi Town, Lahore.It takes me around 45 minutes to arrive at school daily.
I am very regular and usually always on time. But, today, I got late due to heavy rainfall in my locality.

 I had to wait for the rain to settle down a bit so that I could travel via bike. Due to this, I got late for my first class.

I request you to kindly allow me to sit in the class and take the rest of the lecture.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours obediently,
Biswajit Bacher
English teacher of class 10

Complaint & Editorial Letter Writing Format 

Formal Letter Format For Editorial Letter.
In many examination editorial letter is a common type of letter. Because of this two type of formal letter format are provided here.

[your address]
21 - Geeta Colony
Delhi 120061

10th January 2019

[receiver address]
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi 110002

Subject: - Regarding " __________________"

Through the column of your esteemed news paper. I want to draw your kind anention towards the problem of _________[topic name] that is faced by us last couple of days. We are facing lot of difficulties in our day to day life.
We complaint it to the concerned authority but there was no action from that side. If necessary steps are not taken, it will turn in to a big problem. Now, we have a hope through your newspaper.

So, you are requested to do some needful action on this manor so that we get rid of it. We know that you are the only one who can help us.

Please publish this matter in to your newspaper to open the eyes of the department I hope you will take it seriously and do some action without delay.
Yours faithfully
Ankh/ Ankita

Q: Write a complaint letter to editor of Hindustan Times.

Now you are provided an additional editorial letter writing format. Because editorial letters are common type of letter writing in many examination as well as practical problem .

So see the one another shot type editorial letter writing format.

The editor
[Name of English newspaper]
[Place with pin code]

Sub: [Name of the topic]

I shall be highly obliged to you if you kindly permit me a little space to express my concern over [Name of the topic] through the columns of your esteemed daily.
Our life is full of many problems. But the problem of [Name of the problem] is unbearable for us nowadays in our locality. It creates many different types of problem. The condition [name of the topic] is very miserable

  • Mistake in writing the format.
  • Sender's address not written.
  • Ideas not presented in paragraphs.
  • Only problems written, suggested solutions not provided.
  • Editor asked to solve the problem. 

Letter Writing Format For Information About The Course

[ your address ]
2/1. Nehru VIM, Narawal Nagar
Delhi 110090

10th January, 2020

[receiver address]
The Director
ABC University
New Delh1110001

Subject • Information about the  course "________ "

With the reference of the advertisement of your prestigious institute in Hindustan Times , dated on 20th' December 2019. I want to seek certain information . I wish to join the course of____ which is a new course being Introduced for this session in your University /Institute. I have just appear in the All India Senior Secondary School Examination of CBSE.
 I want to utilize my summer vacation by joining your crash-course. I am interested detailed information regarding the course of the term and conditions for  admission . I shall feel obliged if you send me the following information at the earliest.
1. Duration of the course
2. Total charges of the course, Including admission fees, tuition fees and other charges.
3. Nature of the faculty, do the teacher utilize latest technlque of teachtng.
4. Any other informalion related to the course,  given in the advertisement.

Kindly send the brochure, the prospectus and the required information regarding the course.
Yours faithfully

Commone Letter Writing Format  For Placing Orders

[your address ]
Modern Public School
Delhi 110051
10. January, 2020

M/s Gupta Stores
Gyen vihar
 New Delhi 110092
Subject : Ordering for  __________________

I am placing an order to your firm/store to supply the following items  ............ for the school/company.
 The items as per specifications mentioned below.
Im the school/company.
1. J.P.11 Grarerner By Melo. Jim 20 Copies
2. Mathematics for Class 12th By R. D. Sharma 30 Copies.

Please keep in view that the material should be In good conditions and having fine quality. In case any item _______ Is found below standard and the specification given, the same will be returned at your cost.

Please pack and mail them Immediately with reasonable discount admissible to the educational institution. The paymenl will he made through cheque.
I should be obliged for this.

Yours faithfully
Sun Dutta

Common Letter Writing Format For job

21 —Gaeta Colony
Dehi 110051

10. January, 2020

[Receiver Address ]
The Director ABC Corp. Pvt. Ltd. L
New Delhi 110002

Subject  - Application for ".. ..................."

With the reference of your advertisement published in Me Hindustan Times of dated 16 th December, 2019 for recruiting________ [post name].
I want to apply for the same. I send my detailed resume stating my educational qualification experience and other detailed for you knowledge.

I can assure you of my honest and hard work with full dedication of doing a work. I would be available for the interview with a brief notice from your aide.
Your. 1.351015 Enclose.

Name: Mr. Ankit Mali
Father's Name : Sh. Gosh Kumar
Address : 21- Deem Colony, New Delhi 110051 Date of Birth : 1st march 1980
Contact No : 8745232279
Educational Qualification :
i)Passed Sr. Sec exam in 2003 from CBSE with 70% of marks
ii) Passed Graduation (BCA) in 2006 from IP University with 75% of marks.
Experience : Working as a Computer Teacher in ASP School since April, 2007
Hobbies : Reading and Sports
Marital Status : Unmarried
Salary : Negotiable

Common Format For Replacement Letter Writing 

[your address ]
21— Gaeta Colony
Delhi 110051

10th January,2020
[receiver address ]
Ws Electronics Pvt. Ltd.
New DeIM11110002

I remind you that a ________ [product name] was purchased from your shop on Cash Memo No. 14 dated 11th October, 2019. While purchasing the set you assured me of its quality, stability and line functioning. Having used the  .............................[product name] for about 4 months, I found that the .........[product name ] is not working at all. Moat of the function which is available not working. All the family members taunting me for the __________[product name ].
We have been checked It by the local mechanic. He told us that this set has some internal problem. And it is still in one year warranty period against any kind of defects.
So you are requested to replace it Immediately according to the Terms and Conditions.
Hoping for immediate action.

Yours faithfully
Bijay krishna

Dear readers if you want to get more formal letter format then email us at 
How to write a formal letter ?
Tone And Language Of A Formal Letter: 
■ Always write a formal letter in a tone that is polite, inoffensive and more formal than the everyday language.This is applicable even for letters of complaint.

■ 'polite tone' does not mean that the sender uses terms like 'begging the favour of' and 'esteemed', as they denote servility.

■ Use terms like 'kindly', 'please' and 'request' but do not go overboard in their use


  1. Very deep articles about format of formal letter.Especially to mention the examples. However, changing the blue collar of the background would have made it feel comfortable to read.

  2. Really helpful article about reference letter.Especially to mention the examples.


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