Common Notice Writing Format CBSE Or WBBSE

Notice Writing Format CBSE/ WBBSE

According to Googlezet school /college notice is categorized by six types -
  1. Celebrations/Programme Notice Writing
  2. Relief Fund or Contribution Notice Writing
  3. Notice Writing On Educational Excursion.
  4. Warning Notice
  5. Notice About General information
  6. Notice On Found And Loss
Notice Writing Format Video

So, we will try to give you 5 several easy common notice writing format for above each category.

1. Celebrations Common Notice Writing Format CBSE / WBBSE :

This type of notice should be applied for all type of programme or celebrations just like  Annual sport day,  Teachers' day Observation,Blood donation camp, Free textbook distribution, Tree plantation, Independence day celebration, Annual sport, Prize distribution, Farewell ceremony, Teachers' day celebration ,  Rabindra jayanti, Gandhi jayanti , Nirmal bangla avijan, Swachcha Bharat, Traffic safety week, Freshers welcome, Seminars etc. 

NO. 01
ABC High School

Annual Sport Day [Topic Name]

The students of all classes [ or "students of class IX and X" ] are hereby notified that our school is going to organise annual sport day [topic name ].
The programme will be held on January 27, 2020 [date of programme ] ,  10:30 am [time of programme ] in  school ground/common room.
The various programme has been arranged like dance, song, drama etc . Our school headmaster will present there. The students who are willing to particapte in it, must submit their names to their respective classteacher on or before January 21, 2020 [ or "within seven days"] .
All the students and teachers are requested to assemble there.
To know more about any one may contact the undersigned.
xyz(your name)
Name of the school

2. Relief Fund - Common Notice Writing Format CBSE / WBBSE :

Relief fund is organized by the school To Help Poor Students or Flood Affected People etc.

NO. 02
Jaipur High School

Flood Relief Fund  [Topic Name]

The students of all classes are hereby informed that our school is decided to raise a relief fund to help the flood affected people of Jaipur (name of flood affected areas ).

The people of flood-hit areas have lost their homes and other belongings and passing their days in extremely  distressed situation.

So ,students are requested to collect food,money, clothes and other belongings from their guardian and also from their neighbours.Then deposit them to the undersigned on or before 21 st feb.

Then relief fund will be sent to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund.
xyz(your name)
Jaipur High School 

3. Educational Tour Common Notice Writing Format CBSE / WBBSE :

Educational tour is arranged by the school to visit many historical place as well as many other places from where a student can earn knowledge.

NO. 02
Dahar High School

Educational Tour To Bandel [Topic Name]

The students of class x, xi & xii are hereby notified that our school is going to arrange a educational tour on January 25,2020 at Bandel.

Necessary permission has already been obtained by the headmaster from the math authorities. A bus is going to be hired by the school committee to take the students from the school premises to the picnic ground ground.

So students are requested to deposit Rs. 500/- to the undersigned on or before January 15 ,2020. The bus will leave the school at 6 a.m. sharp.
Students are requested to assemble at the school by 5:30 a.m.
Bijoy Roy
Dahar High School 

4. Warning Notice Writing Format :

No. 04
Date - 20 February 2020


Students of all classes are hereby notified that recently coronavirus has broken out in China in an epidemic stage . More than 3800 peoples have died . Because no vaccine is currently available.

 As China is a neighbor country of India , we will try to obey following things to protect us against coronaviruses-

  • Don't eat any birds like poultry, seafood, or flesh of other animals.
  • People cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
  • Cover mouth and nose with mask tightly
  • Should not be touched it during using . If you touched,  then wash your hand with  alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • Replace the used mask with a new one as soon as it is damp.
  • Not to visit coronavirus affected country.

Sign of Coronavirus in the body-
  • FeverDry cough
  • Fatigue
  • Sputum production
  • Shortness of breath
  • Muscle pain or joint pain
  •  Sore throat
  • Headache

Bijoy Roy
Dahar High School 


5. General Information Notice Writing :

Most of times school gives a notice on notice board about Publication Of Annual Report or Result, Attendance Notice, School or College Magazine, Admit Cards, Restriction Of Mobile phone etc
No 05

Writings for College Magazine

The undersigned is glad to announce that as in every year, the College Magazine is going to be published this year immediately before the coming Pujas.

Students are invited to send in their essays, short stories, travel accounts and poems or any other interesting literary type neatly written on one side of the paper to the undersigned by 15th August 2020 .

Prose pieces should be restricted to about 3000 words and poems should not exceed a page in the printed form.

Drawings and sketches done in chinese ink on postcard size art papers are also welcome. In the matter of selection of the pieces for publication, the decision of the magazine committee will be final.
College Magazine
Countersigned by the Principal
Date and Stamp

6. Found And Loss Common Notice Writing Format CBSE / WBBSE :

Found and loss notice is used to get lost things.

20 February , 2021

Jaipur High School


This to inform you all that I lost my english book in the playground during 3rd period. The book, Modern English is written by Bijay Krishna Rana. Anyone who finds it please contact the undersigned.
Mitra Ghosh
Class X (A)

One More Question :
Q.You have lost a book that you borrowed from your school library. You remember leaving it in your classroom just before going home. Write a notice for the school notice board giving relevant facts about the missing volume, requesting the finder of the book to restore it to you.

Date: 22nd March 2019

Loss of a Library Book

The following fact is brought to the notice of all belonging to this school, specially the students of class XI (A). The volume 'Collected Short Stories' of 0' Henry published by Modern Library, New York, was by mistake left by me on a desk in Room No. 15 on 21.03.2019 just before I left the school. It is small and bound in green cloth with the title and the author's name printed in gold on the front cover. The stamp of the school library with accession date appears on the title page and on a number of pages inside. The finder may please return it either to the undersigned or to the librarian Ms Suchitra Deb, without delay.

 Jit Bacher
Class X (A)

Already,  notice writing as well as notice writing format, it's  rules  and also notice writing examples/samples  have been discussed or provided by us through this article in a easy manner.

Because notice writing is a very important things for a school, college, industry, institution, clubs and also for a student. Notice writing format cbse is our search word.

Generally, in the many examination, candidates are asked to write the body of the Notice in about 100 words.

But many of them have no proper idea about notice writing.

The word 'NOTICE', name and designation of the person issuing the notice, date and place are not included in the word limit unless mentioned otherwise.

Candidates must maintain the prescribed word-limit, as far as possible.

Here some notices may have exceeded the prescribed word-limit, but that is only for the benefit of a student to know more about the subject.

What Is NOTICE or Notice Writing ?

A notice is issued to draw the attention of the people concerned to certain facts that have happened, or are going to happen, or to be cancelled or postponed.

For example, the announcement of the date of a meeting, or of an examination, or of the appointment of a person to an important position or the announcement of holidays in an institution.

How to write a Notice?

  1. A notice should be written in formal style.
  2. It should be brief and clear in language.
  3. The ideal length of notice is 100 words. So, All the relevant information should be given in the notice.
  4. Generally Simple Future and Present Tenses are used.
  5. Try to write notice indirect speech or passive voice only
  6. It must be signed by the issuing authority.
  7. If a student in his official capacity issues a notice, it must be countersigned by the Head of the Institution.
  8. Don't use personal pronouns like I and We

Structure Of Notice

Structure Of Notice Writing

Types Of Notice
There are several types of notice.
  1. School /College/Institution Notice
  2. Club Notice
  3. Public Notice
  4. Society Notice
  5. Legal Notice

We have done to supply you notice writing format CBSE as well as WBBSE on school /institution.
As we have provided school /college notice, so at the end of this article we will provide notice writing samples for above each type of notice writing.

At first you are informed that in most cases school/college notice is asked to write by both CBSE and WBBSE board.

So at first we have supplied for school and college notice.

Q. The football team of your club is scheduled to play the final match against the Balak Sangha Club of Coochbehar in the Inter-district Football Tournament at Siliguri Stadium, Write a notice for your club's notice board informing the members of the good news and requesting them to be present at the stadium to encourage the players during the important match.

Answer :
Hakimpara Sports Club, Siliguri

Football Tournament

We are proud of our football team's achievement in reaching the final of the Inter-district Football Tournament this year. The crucial final match against the Balak Sangha Club of Coochbehar will be held on 16th March  '20 at the Siliguri Stadium from 4 pm. Our rivals in the match are known for their skill in the game and have won the tournament successively for the last two years. So, defeating them will mean adding a new feather to our cap as a football team. All members are requested to be present at the stadium on the day to encourage our players during the match.

10th March , '20
Secretary Hakimpara Sports Club

[Newspaper notification]

Q. Write a notice prohibiting smoking within buses. Mention the kind of punishment that a violator of the warning may suffer.

Answer :

Prohibition of Smoking in Bus

Passengers are hereby reminded that smoking in public vehicles is a legally punishable offence. It has been found that despite warnings and notices like the present one, some passengers tend to violate the rule and persist in smoking, much to the annoyance of fellow passengers. From now on, any passenger found smoking will be liable to a fine besides severe penal action.

By order
4th May, '20

Society Notice
Question : Suppose you are the Secretary of the Modern Housing Society. Write a notice to be displayed in the Community Halt of the housing complex informing the residents of the security measures taken, in view of the alarming rise in the incidence of crime in the locality.



Security Measures Due to Rise in Crime

Residents of the housing complex are hereby informed that in the context of the alarming increase in the incidence of crimes like theft, burglary and snatching in the surrounding areas, the welfare board has decided upon the following security measures to be taken immediately :
1. Only one gate of the complex will be kept open for vehicles and pedestrians;
2. Residents" cars will be marked with identity stickers;
3. Entry of hawkers, vendors and people without any valid reason will be prohibited;
4. A guard will keep an eye on visitors entering and leaving the complex;
5. Gates will be closed at 11 pm in the night. Any additional suggestion may please be intimated to the undersigned within this week.

Legal Notice
Question. You are a lawyer. Write a notice on behalf of one of your clients that by an affidavit he has modified his name and henceforth the new name will be effective in all matters connected with him.


My client, hitherto known as Satyaranjan Sarkar, son of late Someswar Sarkar, of 45, Ramnath Sen Street, Kolkata 47, has by an affidavit changed the middle part of his name and will henceforth be known as Satyapriya Sarkar. In all existing and future documents, legal or otherwise, as well as in his signature, he will be known as Satyapriya Sarkar instead of Satyaranjan Sarkar.
 S.M Sikdar
Notario and Legal Consultant
Date _____
Place _____


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