"How to report writing" is a common question in our board exam paper and thats contains a good number . But on over the whole internet is very difficult to find out common report writing format samples which will help a common student.

So here on our blog we will provide you very very essential report writing format samples which should be helpful only for you.

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What Is Report Writing/Reporting :

Reporting means giving a spoken or written account of some event, subject or incident in an unbiased form as a journalist or reporter for both electronic or print media, in order to keep people informed and also to enhance their knowledge. Reporters are mostly written in indirect speech


The form of report is different from that of a letter also that of an essay.

If someone asked me how to report writing then I suggest them to obey the following points to prepare  a good or a proper reporting :
1. If it is a journalistic or newspaper report :
  • Any news event, incident, occasion, gathering, discussion, show or exhibition may be the subject of a report.
  • The reporter must have a clear idea about the subject on his to report.
  • The reporter must have keen observation, sharp ears,  objective or impartial manners of approach and capacity to feel the pulse of the public.
  • The reporter may express his or her views but only after fully realizing his or her fully realizing responsibility.
  • An apt title or heading must be chosen which will be both catchy and adequately indicative of the subject-matter.
  • Date and place of reporting should be mentioned at the beginning of the report.
  • Under the heading should come 'A Staff Reporter' or  'A Special Correspondent', 'News Agency Service ' or the name of the journalist who is reporting.

2. In other type of report :
  • The subject-matter should be mentioned at the top of the report.
  • It is not necessary to obtain 'A Staff Reporter' or  'A Special Correspondent', 'News Agency Service ' or the name of the journalist who is reporting.under the heading.
  • Place and dats should be mentioned at the bottom on the left hand side.
  • The person to whome the report is being sent should be mentioned at the top left hand corner of the report.
  • At the bottom right hand corner should come the reporter's name and designation

We have already delivered you some essential points on the topic of  how to report writing . But we know very well that only those points are not fully helpful without a report writing format or a sample of report writing.

So , now we are going to provide you a common report writing format on newspaper report for your cbse, wbbse or wbchse examination.

Common report writing format on the topic of dangerous storm like Tornedo, Cyclone, Hariken, Titli, Hudhud etc.

It will help you to write a better report on any type of storm like Tornedo,Hariken,Cyclone,Hudhud  etc.
The report writing format below:


-By a staff reporter xyz

Kolkata, May 28: A devastating _______[Name of the storm] struck the vast area of ________[Name of the affected place] yesterday at about _______[Time].The wind was blowing _______[Measure of speed] km. per hour. Thunder and lightning made the situation more awkward. The low depression in bay of ______[Name of bay] was the main cause of this devastating ______[Name of storm]. At least ______[Number of dead] people were killed and more than _______[Number of injured] injured. Just after the incident army, many welfare societies and a large number of common folk of the district were engaged in rescue operation. The injured persons were taken away to the nearest hospitals. The worst affected areas were ______[Name of district] and ______[Name of district] and ______[Name of district]. As a result of this disastrous _______[Name of the storm] , thousands of houses had been destroyed and big trees were uprooted. A huge quantity of crops was totally damaged very badly. The government took immediate steps and relief sent to the _______[Name of the storm] hit areas. He has also announced a compensation of 25 crore for relief and rehabitation work.


By the staff reporter Vijay Rana 

Place, time: A dreadful  _______[ type of accident-"bus accident"/"train accident "] happened on ________[date] at [time] at _______[small place]  in _______[big place]. The accident occured between ________[name of vehicle- bus/train] and ________[name of another vehicle /object - bus/building/train/tree]. The cause of the accident was ________[causes of that accident - "rush driving"/"overloading"] . As a result _______[number of death - 20/30] persons died and ______[number of injured persons] persons were injured because of accident. Local people rushed to the spot and started rescue operation.The injured persons were taken to nearby ________[name of hospital - Jaipur Hospital ] hospital for proper medical treatment. Police came to the spot and controled the situation.The communication minister _________[name of communication minister - Ujjwal Pathak]/local M.L.A _______[name of the M.L.A] showed great sympathy to those effect people of the accident.He also announced Rs. 200000/- for the nearest of kin of those killed in the accident


[This PROGRAM REPORT WRITING FORMAT is applicable on these topics-
Blood donation camp, Free textbook distribution, Tree plantation, Independence day celebration, Annual sport, Prize distribution, Farewell ceremony, Teachers' day observation,  Rabindra jayanti, Gandhi jayanti , Nirmal bangla avijan, Swachcha Bharat, Traffic safety week, Freshers welcome, Seminars etc.]

[Programme Report]

______ [name of programme] was organised/celebrated on _______ [date of programme] at______[ time of programme ] in _____[ name of club/institution if were given ] by our school.

The school ground /hall was richly decoratedwith flowers, small flags, banner and etc.

This started with the arrival of the chief guest at _______[starting time of programm].

The program began with the prayer song sung by the school students.

Our school headmaster welcome the chief guest.

The purpose of this program was to save water/our environment/green nature/our culture.

[ or, The purpose of this program was to help poor students who are not able to buy book/shirt .]

The students presented various programme like dance, song, drama etc.

The students were given prizes

There was a big crowd.

There was great enthusiasm among the students and they were looking highly spirited.

It was a unforgettable moment.
[ or, It was unique experienceto be]

The students were served light refreshment.

The chief guest gave a very motivating speech on this occasion about the role of youth.

The programme ended with the speech of headmaster .

He thanked the chief guest_______[name of chief guest] and the students for making programme and success.


Question : As the head of a village Panchayat, draft a report for the minister of education Government of West Bengal, stating therein the need to establish a high school in your village.

The Report

The Honourable Minister of Education, Government of West Bengal

Re: Grant for establishing a High School at Majdia, Sub. Die Tamluk.

The village Majdiya in Tamluk has a population of about ten thousand people. There is only one primary school in this village. Students intending to pursue further studies in a high school have to travel to Naranarayanpur, a village situated seven miles away from Majdia, which is the nearest village having a high school. During the rainy season, it becomes almost impossible for the young boys and girls of our village to move along the muddy path to the school. So, there is an urgent need for a high school in our village. Considering the exigency, the Honourable Minister is earnestly requested to grant at least Rs. 50 lakh for the construction of the school building and purchase of necessary equipments.
S. Jana Majdia
Panchayat Pradhan
2nd March, 2020 Majdia

Question : As the Headmaster of a school, draft a report for the President of the Governing Body of the school, suggesting how to celebrate the centenary of the school.

Answer :-

The President,
Governing Body,
Hingalganj High School,
Dist. Purulia

Re: Proposal for the centenary celebration of the school.

Our school will complete one hundred years of its existence on 30 September this year. The students and the staff of the school plan to celebrate the occasion in a befitting manner. we will arrange a day-long celebration. On the day of the celebration, the building is to be decorated with flowers and leaves and chains of small electric bulbs. The celebrations will start at 8 a.m. by the lighting of the lamp by Mr. Sripada Haider, the local M.L.A, which wil be followed by a chorus song by the students of the school. In the afternoon, the students will present a variety show. Arrangement for refreshments should also be made. The school building also needs to be given a fresh coat of paint on such an occasion. As the school does not have enough money in its reserve fund, a grant of rupees fifty thousand will be of great help for making the programme a success.

P. B. Som
Headmaster Hingalganj High School 

Hingalganj 15 February, 2020

We hope above five several report writing format samples will be very helpful for you. If you are asked to write any report writing then you can use above report writing format samples.

Not only that above writing format samples should be used to improve your writing skill in a easy manner.

So guys, we have answered you on how to report writing as well as provided different types of report writing format samples only for you. If you think to get another one report writing format samples which is not  provided on above report writing format then email us and also you can whasapp us +918240158575. 

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Thanks you very much for expending your valuable time on our sweet blog.
Enjoy these  report writing format.

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